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Sunday 25 February 2018

Sunday February 25 Update On “Fire And Ice” Episode 18-19

Yuvraj stops Kunj, confronting one another. Twinkle comes there too, Kunj reveals to Yuvraj that he isn't interested in Twinkle and further confessed that he didn’t wish to marry Twinkle and he don't know why she have come in his life. Yuvi asks why is he flirting with his girlfriend that day? Kunj says he did that so that she say no to the marriage.

Twinkle also revealed to him that and told Kunj that she didn’t wish to marry him either and asks why he say yes to the marriage? Kunj says he didn't but his dad said yes for the marriage and is only doing so because of his father’s wish. Yuvi suggests Twinkle that if they don't want to marry each then to tell this to her mother.

Twinkle thank God that their problem is solved, and if she hadn't come here then they both would have eaten each other. She calls her mother up that she want to talk to her. Leela informs her to come to the hotel as Manohar has called them there. Usha calls Kunj up and ask him to come to the hotel. Kunj then tells Twinkle that they will tell their parents together that they don't want to marry each other. Despite the fact that the two decided that they would tell their families the same, as soon as possible, Yuvi holds Kunj’s collar asking if he is doing good job and warns him not to ever try to come near his girlfriend.

Kunj ask him to cool down that he is not interested in his girlfriend. Twinkle intervene and ask them to leave each other. Meanwhile, Twinkle grandpa’s mobile is ringing as Preeto is calling him. Pinni takes the call, but Preeto doesn't say anything and ends the call. Pinni leaves. Twinkle grandpa calls Preeto up, Preeto ask where he is? He says he was not in his room, and asks if she have any work? She says she wish to meet him, he says okay that they will meet at their meeting point.

Later, Kunj’s father is seen inaugurating his hotel. Leela and her family comes to the hotel. Manohar welcomes them, Kunj and Twinkle comes there too and everyone are happy seeing them together. Manohar announce that he have called everyone as he have surprise for everyone. Kunj gets tensed. Manohar informs them that this is his first inauguration hotel in Amritsar. Leela congratulate him, he adds that the surprise is still remaining, he shows them that he has named his hotel as “Twinkle Internationals” and everyone are stunned. Leela is extremely happy as Manohar buys a five star hotel and he names it after Twinkle. Nikki (Manohar’s elder daughter-in-law) tells her husband that this is going beyond limits and asks why his dad so much crazy for Twinkle adding that her father-in-law thinks Twinkle is lucky for him.

Leela compliment Manohar that this is great that her daughter is lucky to get family like him. Manohar then tells her that Twinkle is lucky for them and he ask Twinkle to cut the ribbon and inaugurate his hotel. Leela tells him that the respect he have given to Twinkle, she want to give same respect to Kunj and she want him to cut the ribbon along with Twinkle. Manohar agrees. At the same time, Kunj and Twinkle come forward, look at each other, Twinkle takes a scissor, Kunj holds her hand, she angrily looks at him and both cut the ribbon together, while everyone clap for them, photographer click their pictures, Guruji comes there, Manohar says he have one more important work, he takes everyone in the hotel.

The moment everyone are seated, Manohar tells Leela that he have called Guruji to fix Kunj and Twinkle’s engagement and marriage date and declaring that Kunj and Twinkle’s engagement ceremony would take place in the new hotel. Twinkle singnal Kunj to speak up, he is tensed, Guruji see the Muhrat. Manohar ask if there any problem? Guruji says no, they have Muhrat that their marriage should happen in 3 months only, and if the marriage doesn't happen in 3 months then they can't marry each other or anyone else till one year. Leela agrees that they will do their marriage in 3 months. Manohar accept too and asks Guruji to tell them the dates. Kunj thinks that he have to speak up as this is about his life and he have to speak. He request for one minute saying that he want to say something and then says he can't marry Twinkle as he love someone else. Pinni asks what is he saying? Everyone look at him in shocked. Just before he could says anything further, Manohar slaps him hard and it turns out to be Kunj’s dream.

Manohar ask Kunj to speak up. Kunj speak up, but he instead tells that that Twinkle actually want to say something. Twinkle is stunned, Pinni ask what it is? Kunj stating that he couldn’t go ahead with the marriage since Twinkle didn’t wish to marry him. Leela asks what happened? Manohar asks Twinkle if she have any doubt regarding this marriage then to say it without any hesitation. Twinkle is shocked upon being put in the spot by Yuvraj and admit it that she don't want to do this marriage. Twinkle thinks that Kunj has purposely put her in problem and saved his life, now she will tell him. She then turned the tables by stating that she wishes for a lavish wedding and not an ordinary one, she want everyone to see their marriage and remember it for years, hence was hesitant and asks Kunj if that is right? Kunj looks on shocked.

Manohar assures Twinkle that her marriage will be more good than royal families. Leela agrees that it will be a grand marriage. Guruji predict that Twinkle and Kunj can do their engagement after 20 days from now, and the marriage at end of 3rd months from now, and everyone are happy after declaring that the wedding would be lavish and would take place within three months. Pinni announces that the first bride and groom should share sweets and she ask them to feed each other. Twinkle and Kunj feed cake to each other angrily as they both find it hard to tell there parents the truth that they don't want to marry each other.

Twinkle and Kunj comes inside the hotel room to talk, Twinkle loses her balance and falls on Kunj on bed, both share eyelock, she tries to get up but again falls on him as her bracelet get stuck in his jacket, he frees it while Twinkle is busy staring at him, while Sajna We song plays in the background. Twinkle gets up and spark at Kunj that he is a very clever fox, and put the blame on her downstairs and didn't say anything. Kunj says he didn't say anything because he was afraid and that he thought about his Dad’s respect so couldnt say anything, Twinkle called him a clever wolf. Hearing this, an upset Kunj clearly fire back that he is not interested in animals like her, she asks if he is calling her animal? She beats him with pillow and throw the question at her that if he couldn't do anything then why didn't she say anything?

He then reminds her what said downstairs that she want a lavish wedding and again, they fight with each other, beating each other with pillows, pulling it and the pillows torn and it's all fur around, they look at each other. Just then, Yuvi calls Twinkle and ask why she didn't say no for the marriage? Twinkle says she couldn't get the chance. A flabbergasted Yuvi tells her that she don't need chance, but she just have to say no for the marriage and asks if she is making fool of him? He again asks if she is playing with him? He then says his mom was right, that the Tanejas are big players. Hearing how rude he is, Twinkle warns him not to talk to her like this. Yuvi then angrily ends the call. Twinkle get in tears while Kunj sit beside her and says he read somewhere that she should marry a person who can make her laugh, and asks her if she want to marry Yuvi who brought tears in her eyes?

An upset Twinkle tells Kunj to back off that it's between her and Yuvi adding that she don't need his suggestion and proudly expresses her love for Yuvi that she loves Yuvraj so much. Kunj then says he read somewhere that love hurts. Twinkle tells him they should think how to end all this mess, asking him to talk to his dad, while she will talk to her mom. Yuvraj who finds out that Twinkle and Kunj find it hard to tell there parents the truth decides to take matters into his own hands and calls someone saying Twinkle is his and Kunj will soon be out of his life, he ends the call and says he will win Twinkle over at any cost as he had promised the same to someone else to make Twinkle his and as she love him so much so she will help him in his plan, addressing her as his baby doll and he smirks.

Leela on the other hand is sitting in a restaurant, her younger brother Raman comes there with food, saying they should have lunch at Twinkle international hotel. At the same time, Twinkle comes there too, napkin falls from table, and the waiter is about to put shoe on it, Leela takes it from the floor, Raman point out that he could have stepped on her hand. Leela says he was about to put foot on her napkin which has Twinkle’s name on it and she can't bear it as she love her alot. Hearing this, Raman reminds her that she won the challenge of Anita too, as Twinkle has got good boy like Kunj. Leela then express her worried about Twinkle as she was trying to malign Kunj and everyone now knows that Twinkle is committed to Kunj, adding that if this time she does some mistake and end this relation then everything will end, she will have to marry her off this time else Anita will disrespect her alot and even if she have to beg she will do it but make Twinkle marry this time. Twinkle is tensed listening this. Meanwhile, Manohar is with his elder son Anand, he tries to tells his dad Manohar that he know Kunj’s blood that he doesn't seem happy about this marriage. Manohar says Kunj doesn't understand that Twinkle is very lucky for him ( referring to himself), as his Guruji clearly said that she is laxmi ( lucky) for their family so Kunj have to marry her even f he doesn't want, and he will make sure that this marriage happens. Kunj listens all this and thinks that his dad is hell bent to him marry to Twinkle.

At night, Kunj and Twinkle are together, Kunj tells Twinkle that this marriage is their death warrant. Twinkle says they have to do something as she can't marry anyone else than Yuvi, Link also says he will die but not marry her, she then says they must think of some way to break this marriage. Kunj informs her that his dad have decided that this marriage will happen at any cost. Twinkle also says her mom is also hell bent to do this marriage, she says she have one idea and there is one place where they can find solution, he ask where is she taking him? She asks him not to worry that she will not take advantage of him alone. Kunj then tells her that she can't as he have not allowed her.

Twinkle and Kunj comes to Grudhvarah, Twinkle prays that they love someone else and want to spend their lives with them and plead with the goddess to solve their problem. Usha calls Kunj up and he escuse himself to takes his mother call, she ask where he is and then says she know he must be sad about the marriage, she assured her son that she will do something and won't let him marry Twinkle adding that this is all about fate but these it's a drama, she then says she know a relative that wanted to divorce his wife but court ordered him that he has to live with her for 3 months. Hearing this, Kunj tells his mom that he will talk to her later and he ends the call. Twinkle comes there and angrily stares at him, she get angry with him that she is praying for their lives and he is busy on call, he then explain to her that it was his mom’s call, she says okay and asks what was she saying? He informs her that his mom was telling him that his uncle want to divorce his wife but court has ordered him to stay with her for 3 months then verdict will be given after.

Twinkle immediately gets an idea saying she found solution that he said that they will live for 3 months but who knows what will happen after 3 months. She suggests him they should do the same, as his dad and her mom will make them marry by hook or crook, and his family guruji said that after 3 months they can't marry anyone else so they should do drama for 3 months, they will behave good with each other, will do all rituals but in end they will say no for the marriage. Kunj tells her that they can't lie to their families. Twinkle says she also don't like it but they have no other way than this. Twinkle further tells Kunj that this is the only way to get rid of all this and in 3 months, the muhrat will be over too then they will be with their respective lovers and asks if this is a deal? He says her face is nice but she have little brain too. Twinkle proudly says she is beauty with brains and extend her hand and again ask if it's a deal?

Twinkle ask Kunj if they have deal? He shakes hand with her and they smile at each other to have done deal. Twinkle is tensed in her house that she don't know how Yuvi will react knowing about their deal, and that she didn't even ask him knowing he is so impatient and he can get angry and wonders what she will do with his anger. Yuvi comes there and ask her if everything is clear and asks if she told everything to their family? Twinkle says everything is fine, Yuvi ask what her family said? Twinkle tried to says something but Yuvi holds her tightly and ask if she break the relation or not?

She tells him he is hurting her and asks him to listen to her calmly but Yuvi breaks her wrist watch, she gets angry as it's her father's old watch and ask why is he reacting this way, telling him the watch was gifted by her father to her mother, and it was his last gift, but he have no patience and break it. Yuvi feel less concern and ask her to speak up. At the same time, Leela knocks the door and Yuvi leaves. Twinkle opens the door, Leela sees the watch in her hand and ask how it broke? Twinkle promise her mom that she will fix it and it will be mended, and also apologize to her. Leela says okay. Twinkle comes to the shop and ask the shop keeper to mend her watch but he says they can't mend it as it's broken in a bad way. Twinkle tried to convince the shop keeper that the watch is very important for her and begs him to mend it as it's machinery problem. Just then, Twinkle gets Chinki’s call and goes to talk to her.

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